Graduate students
Chengwei Zhao Juan Lopez Muro Mike Fogel Shreya Srikanth
Nikita Kartashov Ahmed Melat Tamar Leiser Maxim Alexeev
Manuel Correia Cecilia Diaz Anthony Scalia Siyong Sung
+Many undergraduate students.
​+Ou research group has a strong partnership with the STAR student club
Former PostDoc and Ph.D. students at Rutgers
- Rick Schieni, 2019-2022, "Reference Governors for Systems with Polynomial Constraints: Theory and Extensions".
- Xianping Du, 2020-2021, postdoctoral researcher (shared with Prof. Bilgen)
- Reza Hamrah, 2021, postdoctoral researcher
- Mohammad Maadani, 2021-2023, postdoctoral researcher
Former PostDoc and PhD students at the French Aerospace Lab
- Anthony Bourdelle, 2016-2019, (co-advised with J-M.Biannic),"Modeling and Control of Propellant Slosh Dynamics in Observation Spacecraft".
- Torbjörn Cunis, 2016-2019, (co-advised with J-P. Condomines),"Modeling, Analysis, and Control for Upset Recovery—from System Theory to Unmanned Aircraft Flight".
- Emmanuel Chambon, 2013-2016, (co-advised with P. Apkarian), "Frequency and time-domain constrained control of linear systems. Application to a flexible launch vehicle".
- Corentin Chauffaut, 2015, postdoctoral researcher.
- Victor Gibert, 2013-2016, (co-advised with F. Plestan, A. Chriette and J. Boada), "Observability analysis and robust observers design for vision based landing of airliners on unknown runways".
- Elodie Duraffourg, 2011-2014, (co-advised with T. Ahmed-Ali), "Nonlinear control of flexible aerospace vehicles".
- Guillaume Sabiron, 2011-2014, (co-advised with F. Ruffier and T. Raharijaona), "Design of a GNC Solution based on Bio-Inspired Optic Flow Sensors adapted to low speed measurement for an Autonomous Soft Lunar Landing".
Former Sponsors: